Teach What You Believe

Homily: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 23, 2014 Deacon Jim Knipper
Teach What You Believe
Homily: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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This Sunday we hear a continuation of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus continues teaching about a new way to live and love. Author Krista Tippett in her recent book reminds us that law and politics are unable to really tell us what matters in life, what matters in a death, how to love, and how we can be of service to each other. “These are the kinds of questions religion arose to address.”But it would seem many egocentric people (many who even call themselves religious) are still focused on using the laws to determine who they feel is in and who is not. Yet Christ reminds us that we are called to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, so that we may be in right relationship with God.Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you?! Really? Isn’t that a bit over the top?