Teach What You Believe
Homilies by Deacon Jim Knipper of the Catholic Diocese of Trenton, NJ.
Teach What You Believe
Homily: 5th Sunday of Easter
Deacon Jim Knipper
This weekend’s Gospel from John drops us in at the end of the Last Supper as Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment on how to live and love. The old directive was to ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ Jesus takes this up a few notches and says we are to love another as Christ loved us. So, what does that kind of love – depth of love – Christ centered love - look like?
Perhaps the easiest way to understand this is through stories by Parker Palmer, Jean Vanier and Greg Boyle. Take a listen to the invitation that is before us each and every day – of how we are called to “ventilate the world” with love, tenderness, compassion, forgiveness and mercy.